Mar 22, 2019
In this episode we delve deep into the subjects of Mama June and the Lori Loughlin arrest. We also go through a myriad of other news content and discuss our double feature movie review, this week dealing with Bad Asses on the Bayou and The Baby Sitter both available on Netflix.
Mar 5, 2019
In this episode Colin is out sick so it's just Apeman and Shaggy. We get deep on retired living on the cheap, freedom of speech, how to respond to a vegan, DC vs marvel, the anti-vaxxer movement, Kroger's Credit Card Conundrum, and the problem with bricked smartshoes. All that plus our double feature movie...
Mar 4, 2019
In this episode we cover a ton of topics, so much so that we literally run out of things and start talking about Colin's new chair. Listen to how far down the rabbit hole we go and help us grow the listenership by telling your friends.
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