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A podcast that meanders through topics like a fat chick through a buffet. A show full of news, pop culture, movies and television. Give it a try and within a couple episodes you'll be hooked. Also featuring our shorter segments like "On the Road Again w/ Shaggy" by individual hosts to get you through in between full shows.

Dec 1, 2009

Technical problems all over the place unfortunatly, to start the show people got to hear 10 minutes of my misc. mp3 collection while we tried to figure out why the fancy 8 track recording wasn't working.  Then it was that we lost mike, got mike, lost mike, etc... then we finally got on a roll only to partially deafen mike by a test of the phone system.  Meanwhile back at the hall of justice Nate started researching new audio gear to help try and resolve all the audio issues and...

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